Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Wadner!!!

Today is Wadner's birthday; he is 5 years old! I can't believe he is having a birthday and I am not there to celebrate it with him :( Just wait until he is home for his birthday next year, he will be spoiled rotten with all of the gifts and have the biggest birthday cake ever!! I miss him and Mia so much and hate to think that they keep getting older everyday and I am missing it. The good news is though, there has been movement in Haiti and 2 kids from our orphanage have gotten passports issued. This means they will be home to their families very soon. So, we are praying everyday that things keep getting better in Haiti and all of the waiting children go home to their families in record time!!!



Anonymous said...

"Happy Birthday" Wadner! I can't wait to meet you. With love,
Aunt Karen

Anonymous said...

Happy 5th Birthday Wadner!
Monica & Roy

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to Wadner!!!

Candi said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL LITTLE BOY! Hey guys, it's Candi and Frank. So sorry we haven't been in touch...we've had so much happen again! We have new cell #'s now. If you can, email me your regular email adresses and that way I can just email you our #'s...(I'm a dork about posting my # on anything public lol) Hope your trip goes, or went, awesome with your little angels!! XOXO Love you guys! God Bless!