I received an email a few days ago that Mia got scabies again (she has gotten it many times in the past few months and I have been told she gets it pretty bad), so they had to cut her hair because it got on her scalp. You can see in her picture her hair is short like a boy, but I still see my beautiful little girl!! If you look on her face, specifically above her lips, you can see where the scabies is still trying to go away. They have a medication cream to put on them to make the scabies go away. What is so hard for me is seeing her with the scabies and knowing she is in pain and itching all the time and I am all the way in Colorado and cannot do anything to comfort her. I know the nannies are taking good care of her, but it is not the same as a mama's love :) I just can't wait until she is home and never gets scabies again. Scabies is passed very easily from skin contact and very few people in the United States ever get it, so once she is home, it would be unlikely she would get it again.

As you can see from Wadner's picture, he looks like he is having a great time!! I really miss his smile; it can light up a room!