Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Nothing New To Report

I have not posted in a while because I have not received any new information or pictures. There have been a few people who have gotten out of IBESR (Haiti Social Services) in 4 months, which is much better than it used to be. September 10 will be 4 months for us, so we are praying we are out by then, or maybe even before that!

I can say that I desperately miss my children. Now that I have gotten a taste of what it is like to hold them, it is so hard to not have them home with me. My heart hurts sometimes just thinking about all this time I still have to go without them. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my life and I love my husband, but when I was with my children, I knew they were the one thing I was missing in my life. I smile thinking about the cute things they did on our trip; the little smiles they gave us, Mia singing before bedtime, Wadner being silly to make us laugh. I just cannot wait until we get to experience those things everyday. I continue to pray the wait is not as long as we think and they are home sooner than expected. It does comfort me to know that God has a plan. A couple of weeks ago we had a guest speaker at church and he talked about how you make this plan for your life and then can get upset when things don't go the way you planned. He said, you have to remember that God is the one who made the plan for your life, and whether something good or bad is happening in your life, you must trust that God is taking care of things the way he sees fit. That in time, you will start to see all of the little things adding up to His big plan for you life. I have been really trying to trust that He is watching over my children and they will be home when the time is right (not that it makes the waiting much easier!!).


Anonymous said...

Just try and focus on the great things that you do hve in your life Holly. God has blessed you and Mike so much. I can't say that I understand how you feel, but I am praying for peace for you.

Anonymous said...

I think of you often and just know that your day with your children will come. Just keep happy thoughts and remember the time you spent with them. This will get you thru the hard times. They need you to be strong for them.

Anonymous said...

I am in the same situation as you. I am adopting a little girl named Sintia Francois from Foyer de Sion. I entered IBESR on Nay 25, 2007, and I am so anxious.

You are so lucky you got to go meet the children!!! I am a adopting as a single parent and the adoption has deplted my savings so I cannot afford more than the one trip to go get her.

Reading your blog helped...knowing someone else knows what I'm going through!!!

I will pray for you that it all goes fast.