Tuesday, February 6, 2007

First Post

Hi, this is my first time ever setting up and using a blog....so please bear with me as I learn :) I wanted to find a place where our friends and family can go for updates on our adoption process and this seemed like a great place to do that.

For those of you who may not know, we are adopting from Haiti. We are hoping to adopt a little boy around 5 years old and a little girl about 2 years old or younger. Michael and I have been talking about adopting for a long time now and know that adoption is the right path for us and we are so excited to be starting a family.

We are still in the beginning stages of the process. We have already found an adoption agency, sent in the application, was approved, and we completed the only part of the process we have any control over---our dossier (which is all of the paperwork we have to get together and notarized). I got these documents together as fast as I could, it took me about 6 weeks, which is pretty fast. (I look at it like this, every day I put something off, is another day I could have had with my children). We officially started the process in the beginning of December. At this point, we are waiting for the referral of our children. This is where we find out which children will be joining our family. This hopefully should be happening in the next week or two. From there is the really hard part......waiting and waiting and waiting some more. From the time we accept the referral's the wait will be 9-12 months while Haiti's version of social services does there thing and everything gets approved. We of course our hoping it to be more on the 9 month side (or maybe a miracle will happen and it will be faster than that)! We are hoping our children our home before Christmas.

Michael and I are thank full for the support we know that our family and friends (and any one else who happens to come across this page) will be giving us. Feel free to post any comments on this blog page that you would like us to see, we will be checking it every day. I will try to update the page every few days or when we receive any updates or new information. We will also inform you of any fundraising we will be trying to get started in the near future.

Thanks again for your support and pray for us that the process will go faster than 9 months, we just can't wait to bring our children home!


Anonymous said...

Congrats to the both of you, Good luck! Monica & Roy

Anonymous said...

I am really happy for you. It may seem long now, but once they get here, it will be worth the wait. We love you both. Aunt Karen

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww you guys will be great parents. I am so excited for you two!!! I hope all goes quickly with the whole process. We love you guys!! Love Amy and Cyrus

Brittzap said...

Holly and Michael...We wish you both the best of luck and hope the adoption process continues to go smoothly and QUICKLY. What a great idea to start a blog page about your adoption journey! Not only is it great for your family and friends to see, but it is inspirational for other families trying to adopt! Wadner is adorable and we can't wait for the pictures after you get more information on your little girl! Love, Britt and Carlos