Saturday, February 24, 2007

My Son

I have been a little scared to let myself really feel this was real, because I am always worried, "what if something happens and we don't get to bring our children home." I keep a picture of Wadner at my desk at work. I don't know when it happened, but I came into work one morning last week, looked at Wadner's picture, and said to the picture "I love you." I don't know how to explain it, but all of the sudden, I feel this over-whelming love for this little boy I have never met. I feel like he is truly my son and I cannot wait to meet him and hold him in my arms. I think about him all the time; I hope he is safe, loved, warm, happy. I want so much to take him home and be his mother. I know the time will come....I just hope it comes quickly.

I also have an update. I received an email yesterday from the adoption agency that all of our paperwork came back from legalization and will be sent to Haiti. This means that we should be going into IBESR soon!

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